FITA Academy is one of the leading ISO certified institute which offers training and placements for various courses in Chennai at an affordable price. The students are trained by the set of experienced trainers from leading multinational companies to provide them international working atmosphere. We have trained more than 50,000+ students from 120+ IT Certification courses.

Our infrastructure was designed in a way to help the students to study the course with comfortably. Our institution has tied up with more than 1,500+ companies for providing better placements for the students with great exposure. The students will be provided certifications and placement opportunities at the end of the course. The trainers are friendly in nature to help the students learn the course easily. FITA Academy is the best training center which has gained many learners in the past few years with its best coaching. Our way of teaching is different that we provide practically oriented coaching more than theoretical coaching to gain working knowledge apart from the syllabus. We offer to coach both on weekdays and weekends based on the flexibility of the student. We offer to coach not only for the students but also for those who are interested in learning. We provide coaching from beginner level to the advanced level.

We offer both online and classroom-based coaching method with unlimited lab usage facility. We provide individual attention to the students by our friendly trainers. Our trainers coach around 5-6 people per batch to make them understand the subject easier.

By the end of the course, we provide certifications for all the successful students and separate coaching for the interview based questions will be given to the students who are going to face the interview. After the completion of the course, the students will be given projects to work practically in the real time. This helps the students to develop their knowledge in the specific course. Many of the trained students are placed in top MNC Companies.

FITA Academy is rated as the best training institute in Chennai and earns good reviews in the Google for its training.

Areas near to our branches:

Our branches Velachery and OMR have located near to the IT parks. Drive few kilometers to get a very good training in Chennai.